ANZ agrees to pay super increases on top of salary

John Kavanagh

ANZ staff will vote on a new enterprise agreement in September, after the bank and the Finance Sector Union reached in-principle agreement on a new EA – the first in seven years.
The agreement includes pay increases totalling 16.5 per cent over four years for group 5 and 6 staff, with smaller increases for group 4 staff.
Important wins for staff include an agreement that all future increases to superannuation will be on top of salary, an increase in the overtime cap and a commitment to maintaining work from home options.

A new “right to disconnect” recognises the right to switch off from work. No details of this provision were provided. Staff will also have the right to dispute individual pay reviews.
Primary carer parental leave increases from 12 to 20 weeks and secondary carer leave increases from one week to four.
The bank will provide two extra leave days per year for “my days” leave and increase compassionate leave from two to three days on each occasion.