ACCC to review the telecommunications market
An Australian Competition and Consumer Commission study of telecommunications is in the works, and may have significant outcomes for banking services.The ACCC will look at the changing structure of communications markets, particularly the transition to a fixed-line market in which NBN Co is the wholesale provider to retail service providers, and at consolidation and market concentration within the retail sector.Another issue is the growth in availability of services provided "over the top" using the internet as a delivery platform. These services include social network platforms and marketplace apps.The regulator will examine the exponential growth in the demand for bandwidth and data in recent years, largely reflecting the emergence of streaming music and video content services, placing significant demands on network capacity.And it will consider the increased use of mobile data by consumers and the increasing preference for mobile as a way to access the internet. The availability of WiFi services is also facilitating the use of mobile services and further improvements are anticipated with the deployment of 5G.The ACCC said it would commence consultation with an issues paper and release a draft of its findings for comment prior to completing the market study in 2017.