ADVERT: 4th Annual Process Excellence for Financial Services: 19th - 20th October 2016, Sydney
Join process improvement professionals in the financial services industry to identify opportunities, take away key strategies and gain insights for successful operational excellence. Here's a snippet of some of the sessions from the program:Highly informative interview style 'fire-side chats' with leading organisations, Macquarie bank and OFX on the state of the industry and blockchainExpert led panel discussions on the critical contribution that PEX and BPM will provide on the digital journey as well as looking at an agile approach to process improvement.Pre-conference CPP certification 1 + 2 masterclass with MLCQ&A with up and coming FinTechs SocietyOne, Equitse, Simply Wall St, and Prospa and how they are changing the landscape of financial services.With 20+ experts presenting this year, view the full session outline of the above topics and speakers here. Reserve your ticket to the conference today and save up to $850 with the super early bird!*