Advertisement: ARCA National Conference 2013
20 - 22 November 2013Download the agenda hereWith over 200 delegates registered, the ARCA National Conference brings together the credit industry to address strategic and practical opportunities from advances in regulation, data analytics and collections best practice.Running over two and a half days, high level educational and networking opportunities are provided for CROs, risk and collections teams, compliance specialists, their suppliers and advisers.New highlights from the agenda include: - CRO panel of major financial institutions - What keeps CROs up at night?- Hardship - US collections policies.- Staying ahead of fraud - Proactively manage risk with accurate information about an individual's identity. - Multi-bureau scores - How to develop them.- Global data privacy laws - The implications for the Australian market.- A futurist's view of financial services - Emerging trends and how we can prepare for the future.There are only 15 rooms still available. Don't miss out!Register Now!