APRA brightens spotlight on banks
Quarterly reporting on profits and much else will soon become routine for banks and credit unions.APRA on Friday unveiled plans "to significantly increase" the volume of published data in collects.APRA currently publishes less than one per cent of the ADI data it collects.From some time in 2020, APRA proposes publishing: entity-level ADI data related to currently published industry-level quarterly data; remaining historical data in these forms that individual ADIs are required to provide APRA, which will be published with a three-year lag; and commentary received by APRA from individual ADIs explaining material revisions or large movements in, their data. APRA said these proposals "support APRA's strategic policy of increasing the transparency of data it collects, and aligns with Government open data policies". The consequence of greater scrutiny of data by rivals, credit and equity analysts and the media is that it may hasten the consolidation of the industry.The most feeble ADIs are already feeling plenty of heat from the Credit Union Financial Support Scheme and APRA itself.