ASIC steps up enforcement actions
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission yesterday released its sixth six-monthly enforcement report, detailing outcomes achieved between 1 January 2014 and 30 June 2014.ASIC reported that it achieved 256 "enforcement outcomes" to "protect financial consumers and improve the fairness and efficiency of the financial markets." This included criminal as well as civil and administrative actions (for example, a banning or disqualification), and negotiated outcomes, including enforceable undertakings.There were 83 outcomes achieved in the market integrity, corporate governance and financial services areas, and 173 in the small business area."The National Credit Act has been in force since 2010. Industry has had sufficient time to familiarise itself with its obligations under the legislation. Where we see loan fraud or misleading conduct ASIC will take enforcement action. The last six months has seen 24 enforcement outcomes in consumer credit," ASIC Commissioner Greg Tanzer said."Other future and current areas of focus include the treatment of confidential information by listed companies, manipulation of financial benchmarks and improving auditor and liquidator standards, as well as the ongoing focus on advertising of financial products and the quality of financial advice."