Australia in line on Basel III
The majority of markets assessed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision are at a similar stage to Australia in the adoption of the Basel regulatory framework, the BCBS said on Friday.Twenty countries have adopted the risk-based capital component and only six are still making progress to that goal.Like most countries, Australia is still proceeding to adoption of the liquidity coverage ratio and a disclosure standard on a leverage ratio.The pace of Australia's adoption of Basel III rules is a continuing source of industry contention.The Australian Bankers Association, for instance, wrote in its second round submission to the Financial System Inquiry that "it is commonly held, including by APRA and the [inquiry's] interim report, that the Basel III requirements implemented in Australia are more conservative than the internationally agreed standards and ahead of the agreed timetable."The BCBS included very little commentary in the assessment, but did mention that it "conducted additional analytical work on risk-weighted asset variation in the banking and trading books."It said it would publish this work during the first half of 2015."In addition, measures to address excessive variation are under development," it said, with the Basel Committee expecting to publish its progress later this year."The Committee is also considering a proposal for ongoing monitoring of risk-weighted asset variations from 2015," it said.