Card fraud dips
Banks and payments schemes are beginning to bring payments card fraud under control, with a reversal in the once persistent growth in fraud.Card fraud dropped by seven per cent to A$529 million over the year to June 2019, the Australian Payments Network said yesterday.Card-not-present fraud (the highest value and once most stubborn category) fell by five per cent to $456 million on Scheme Credit, Debit and Charge Card, AusPayNet said. CNP fraud lifted eight per cent the year before.There were 3.5 million CNP fraud transactions last year at an average $128.Lost or stolen cards resulted in $39 million worth of fraud at an average of $103, a shade more than the $100 limit on contactless payments. Lost and stolen fraud fell by 16 per cent.CNP fraud still accounts for 86 per cent of all fraud on Australian cards.