COSL warns on record keeping
The Credit Ombudsman Service has issued a reminder to its credit licensee members that they are responsible for the conduct of their credit representatives, including maintaining the records of a representative that has moved on.Under COSL's rules, a person can make a complaint about a financial services provider up to six years from the day they become aware of their loss. The six years do not necessarily start from the date of the service but may start much later.COSL said: "If the credit representative moves on, the credit licensee remains responsible for their conduct during the time the representative was a representative of the licence holder."Once the representative has left, it may be very difficult to recover documents and file notes. The fact that a credit representative has left the industry or cannot be contacted does not mean that the licensee is excused from responding to a complaint."The inability of the licensee to produce documents or file notes may result in COSL having to draw an adverse inference against the licensee."