EzeATM follows consolidation dream
EzeATM will buy the Australian automatic teller machine fleet of iCash Payments, the two companies announced yesterday. EzeATM agreed to pay A$16 million for a business that three months ago the seller wrote down to a carrying value of just two-thirds of this price. Until a few months ago, EzeATM was an obscure provider of merchant-cashed ATMs, many of them in remote mining sites in Western Australia.From January 2012, if the deal proceeds, the recently ASX-listed EzeATM will own or manage seven per cent of Australia's ATM fleet.The acquired business has a pro-forma turnover of $12.7 million and an EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation) of $4 million, according to a presentation lodged with the ASX by EzeATM. Annualised transaction numbers will rise tenfold to around 10 million, which suggests the average revenue per transaction is around $1.40.Average transactions per ATM per month are around 600.EzeATM said it does not expect fixed operating costs to materially change, though the firm will be managing relationships with 22 deployers that market ATMs on behalf of iCash and supervising more complex agreements.The firm will not, however, take on any staff or premises from the seller. It is buying the iCash subsidiary that holds the underlying contracts with merchants and the switching contracts with deployers.EzeATM said it has also agreed to buy 2000 ATMs from iCash (which owns a manufacturer in South Korea) over the next five years.The purchase is subject to a vote of EzeATM shareholders and is due to settle on January 17. Shareholders in EzeATM will meet on the day prior to vote.