Inconsistent G-SIBs scurry up
Basel IV and beyond may be the main topic, but the Bank of International Settlements machinery managed a Basel III update for the G20 shindig in Antalya.The sixth report from the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision scores the work done on banking regulatory reforms by 27 Basel Committee member jurisdictions."Implementation of Basel III capital and liquidity standards has generally been timely," the Basel Committee said."All Committee members had implemented Basel risk-based capital regulations by end-2013, and as of September 2015 all but two members had published final regulations to implement the Liquidity Coverage Ratio requirements, the phase-in of which began in January 2015. "Efforts are continuing to adopt Basel III regulations for the leverage ratio, the systemically important bank frameworks and the Net Stable Funding Ratio," it said."As of September 2015, 23 Committee members had issued final or draft rules for the leverage ratio, 25 had issued final or draft rules for their global or domestic SIB (G-SIB or D-SIB) framework and four had issued final or draft rules for the NSFR. "Non-Basel Committee jurisdictions also report substantial progress in the adoption of Basel III standards."The most important work may be on the G-SIBs.At "the significant banks frameworks in the member jurisdictions that are home to G-SIBs (China, the European Union, Japan, Switzerland and the United States) it is encouraging that, where possible, jurisdictions are actively rectifying areas of material inconsistency," the committee said.