Investors not ready for marketplace lender ABS issuance
The marketplace lending industry has not matured sufficiently to allow lenders to start securitising their assets, according to institutional investors.A group of investors on a panel at the Australian Securitisation Forum conference in Sydney yesterday said they had held talks with marketplace lenders about their prospects for issuing asset-backed securities but to date the risks outweighed the benefits.Challenger Investment Partners co-head of fixed income Marcus Elsum said: "We have had a lot of discussions but there are some risks that we need to understand better."There are different business models that need to be understood. We need to understand their break-even points. And there are questions about the volume of business they are doing."QIC director of research and strategy Katrina King said: "The measurement of consumer risk is very disparate. In the US borrowers have a FICO score."We don't have that consistency here and it would be helpful."Nikko Asset Management Australia head of credit John Sorrell said he expected to see an expansion of asset-backed securities vehicles but it would not be a major development and growth would be steady.