NAB goes for Maple before Samurai
Offshore, National Australia Bank sold C$400 million of five year Maple bonds at a spread of 168.5 basis points over Canadian government bonds and US$100 million of February 2012 bonds in the US s144A market, priced at Libor plus 0.2 bps. There was also talk that it and Westpac are looking to issue Samurai bonds next month.Thai owned PTTEP Australia International Finance (rated BBB+) sold US$500 million of five year bonds in the s144A market. The bonds were priced at 230 bps over US Treasuries to yield 4.152 per cent per annum.And the Australian branch of Rabobank opened a new line of July 2014 Euro medium term notes at A$100 million. The bonds will pay a coupon of 5.75 per cent per annum.