NAB raises US$2.5 billion
National Australia Bank (rated AA-) was the big issuer in the US s144A market last week. The bank sold US$1.0 billion of two year floating rate notes priced at Libor plus 30 basis points, US$750 million of three year bonds priced at 60 bps over US Treasury bonds, and US$750 million of 10-year bonds priced at 117 bps over Treasuries.ANZ (rated AA-) was active in the Uridashi market in Japan, selling South African Rand and new Turkish Lira denominated bonds. The ZAR473 million bonds have a four-year term to maturity and will pay a coupon of 5 per cent. The TRY102 million bonds have a five-year term and will pay 5.5 per cent per annum.