Neobanks wedge into ESAs
Exchange Settlement Accounts - any fintech with pretensions to playing in payments - walk right in. The RBA is open for business.The threshold at which an ADI must hold an Exchange Settlement Account with the Reserve Bank is 0.25 per cent or more of the total value of wholesale RITS RTGS transactions for the settlement of Australian dollar obligations. Handling less than this volume and keen to move soon? The RBA will look at it. An ADI licence is a prerequisite, and most fintechs won't get there.Still, the new ESA policy can only encourage all those jostling for APRA to open the doorway to a 1000 neobanks.An ADI with aggregate wholesale RITS RTGS transactions that constitute less than 0.25 per cent of the total transactions "may settle its RTGS transactions using an agent or may apply for its own ESA to settle some or all of its transactions," the RBA announced on Friday.