SAI Global taps the PPSR for new commercial lending data service

John Kavanagh
Information services company SAI Global hopes to turn the complexities of the Personal Property Securities Register to its advantage, with a new reporting service that packages PPSR data in a manageable summary for lenders and others in the commercial credit market.

SAI Global's Dynamic Company and Securities Report draws data from government sources, including Australian Securities and Investments Commission filings, ABN details and the PPSR.

SAI Global's general manager of product and marketing, Benjamin Balk, said that several years after it started the PPSR was developing as an important source of credit data.

"It won't give you a credit report but the PPSR tells you the scope of a businesses lending relationships and the type of lender," Balk said.

"This information can help lenders assess their risks and also their business opportunities."

Lenders can do their own PPSR searches but Balk said the registry was complex.

"What we have done with our report is to summarise information in a consistent way," he said.

SAI Global has been trialling the service since the start of the year and has already signed up all the big banks, as well as some insolvency practitioners and law firms.