Virgin Money limps into 2010
Virgin Money (Australia) is being sustained by its UK owner pending its re-emergence as a credit card issuer in conjunction with Citibank early next year.Financial statements for Virgin for the year to March 2009, but only recently available through ASIC, show that Virgin is living off an increased working capital line of $5.5 million from Virgin Money International.Virgin collected $24.5 million from Westpac during the year from the sale of its share of the pair's disappointing credit card business though Virgin paid all that, and more, over to Macquarie Bank to repay loans.Virgin Money repaid $33.7 million of a $38.2 million debt to Macquarie Bank during 2008/09. Macquarie forgave a further $4.5 million loan.The firm wrote off all the goodwill associated with its former credit card venture with Westpac, equal to $22 million.The statutory net profit was $11.1 million for the year to March 2009, up from a loss of $19.5 million in 2008.Accumulated losses of $19.6 million for Virgin Money (Australia) exceed equity of $12 million, leaving a deficiency in net assets.