Worrying signs for Pioneer Credit
Impaired debt buyer Pioneer Credit produced strong revenue and profit growth in the six months to December but is beginning to show some of the same signs of deterioration, including a reduction in debt purchases and a fall in customer payments, that led to a fall in earnings for rival Collection House.Pioneer Credit made a net profit of A$3.3 million for the six months to December - more than double the $1.3 million net profit it reported for the previous corresponding period.Revenue was up 36.2 per cent to $21.1 million. The company outlayed $23.2 million on debt purchases in the six months to December, compared with purchases worth $26.4 million in the previous corresponding period.The book of loans operating under payment arrangements grew from $117 million in December 2014 to $150 million in December last year. Customer payments were up 22 per cent to $27.1 million on a year-on-year basis but fell between June and December last year.