Loan Origination Excellence
How 7 companies are taking loan origination to the next level This eBook contains insights from leading specialists from banks and credit unions, including:
* Dan O'Neill, General Manager, Group Lending Services, Commonwealth Bank of Australia
* Stuart Nielsen, Executive Manager, Mortgage Services, Suncorp
* Anthony Aboud, Chief Operating Officer, ME Bank
* Kym Bowles, Manager, Home Loans, Defence Bank
* John Rolfe, General Manager, Retail, HomeStart Finance
* Martyn Norman, Head of Lending, bankmecu
* Mario Rehayem, Director of Sales & Distribution, Pepper Group
* Michael Russell, Chief Executive Officer, Mortgage Choice
Featuring insights on two questions:
1. What are the key reasons their origination process is successful?
2. What would they do differently if they had their time again?