Community Sector Banking thriving 16 October 2014 5:29PM Ian Rogers Community Sector Banking "now provides banking services to more than 8600 organisations and is growing at a rate of 15 per cent a year", executive director Peter Quarmby declared in a media release yesterday.Community Sector Banking is 50 per cent owned by Community 21 and 50 per cent owned by Bendigo Bank. Half a dozen NGOs line up with Community 21 in a consortium of entities including Oxfam Australia, ACOSS, Scope, Ozchild "and a number of other not-for-profits." Community Sector Banking donates half the net profits from the 'Social Investment Deposit Accounts' offered through Bendigo to social projects and community investments.Community Sector Banking's "balance sheet is now pushing A$1 billion," Quarmby said.Quarmby outlined the data in a media release urging Australia's banking system to "wake up to its own clout and power."Quarmby said banks needed "a further shake up."