CBA results at a glance 08 August 2019 3:27PM Commonwealth Bank reported a net profit of A$8.6 billion for the 2018/19 financial year - 8 per cent down on the 2017/18 result. read more
Brief: FMA signals a tougher stance on Kiwi banks 08 August 2019 3:19PM FMA CEO Rob Everett says the regulator, which has asked the New Zealand government for more funding and the power to take immediate action against misconduct in the banking and insurance industries, w.. read more
Brief: Westpac NZ to refund $7 million 07 August 2019 3:54PM Westpac NZ is refunding about NZ $7 million to around 93,000 customers after the bank did not correctly discount fees on a number of different banking packages. read more
Briefs: MyState loses CFO, former BNZ chair blames regulator 06 August 2019 3:58PM MyState chief financial officer David Harradine has resigned and will leave the banking and wealth management group at the end of October. read more
Global DCM market ripe for needy banks 02 August 2019 4:43PM Moody's estimates the aggregate additional capital needed by Australia's four biggest banks will increase in a range from A$75 billion to $93.5 billion, to meet new prudential rules. read more
RBNZ calls for feedback on FMI bill 02 August 2019 4:37PM The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has published the exposure draft of the Financial Market Infrastructures Bill (FMI Bill), and is asking for feedback from stakeholders over the next eight weeks. read more
AD: Exploring Key Trends in the Global Payments Market with New Payment Platform 02 August 2019 4:32PM In the last decade, we have seen a significant momentum in the adoption of real-time payments. Businesses are increasingly offering value-adding services to their customers and as a result, payment in.. read more
AD: 2019 Survey Report - The New Role of CFOs and Finance Leaders 01 August 2019 3:32PM Finance teams of the future will no longer be confined to back-office silos. read more
EML approved for Irish takeover 30 July 2019 2:46PM Payments processing company EML has received approval from the Central Bank of Ireland to acquire the 25.1 per cent of Irish payment card company PerfectCard DAC it does not already own. read more
Banks weak in digital 29 July 2019 3:59PM Sour news for banks in the ACCC digital platforms report. read more