Hayne calls for cuts to insurance commissions 05 February 2019 5:34PM The insurance sector has come out of the Hayne royal commission with a less tarnished image than other sectors, but some sources of easy commissions are set to be crimped. read more
Wisr rides growth surge 04 February 2019 5:16PM Lending and revenue are well up, but ASX-listed fintech Wisr remains deep in the red. read more
Brokers, borrowers dismiss fee for service 04 February 2019 5:13PM Customers of mortgage brokers are almost universally happy with the service they have received and, rather than having to pay a small fee for service, prefer brokers to receive commissions from lender.. read more
Big Four bank to trial SMSF property strategy 04 February 2019 5:08PM One of Australia's major banks is to run a six-month trial of the fractional property investment model and trust structure developed by DomaCom Australia. read more
Investors' discontent spills beyond bank sector 01 February 2019 5:09PM ASIC has reported that a rising number of shareholders at ASX 200 companies' AGMs are voting against remuneration reports to demonstrate their discontent with boards more broadly. read more
Better - not new - enforcement 31 January 2019 5:22PM A report from JP Morgan and Taylor Fry actuaries suggests Commissioner Kenneth Hayne's banking and financial services industry final report is likely to recommend that behavioural change be achieved t.. read more
ANZ 'resets' pay scales for its top brass 20 December 2018 5:54PM The ANZ board have escaped the heavy critique of its operations and management seen in other post royal commission bank AGMs, but in the final analysis, shareholders did deliver the expected first str.. read more
ANZ's board, execs, harried and questioned at AGM 20 December 2018 5:52PM ANZ's AGM was notable for the depth and breadth of questions from shareholders, and most were identified as local investors. read more
Unfair card practices inb a rut 19 December 2018 5:21PM A second ASIC report into changes lenders are making to allow their customers to cope more effectively with credit card debt can best be described as a mixed report card. read more
Card fraud rates keeep climbing 19 December 2018 5:20PM The year to 30 June 2018 saw card fraud in Australia climb to A$565 million, an effective growth rate of 4.8 per cent, a consequence of rising card-not-present fraud. read more