Mortgage insurance: booming, burning

Claims on mortgage insurance over CY2020, at $618 million, was near double the level in 2019, with worse to come. No wonder the LMI monolines last year together reported an underwriting loss for the f.. read more

NAB damned over age-old mishap

There is a definite sense of Kenneth Hayne’s mandate: “Why not litigate?”, as ASIC sues NAB over a matter reported in a bit a panic. The bank is in the dock over the bank charging fees for making cert.. read more

Liberty wanders ADI Avenue

Liberty Financial were cautious in their late November prospectus, and at any rate have surpassed key metrics for the December 2020 half year, the non-bank funder’s first report as a listed company. read more

BOQ bets all on ME Bank

Bank of Queensland is staking its future on a multi-brand strategy with confirmation yesterday of terms for a $1.325 billion all-cash offer from BOQ for ME Bank. read more

AFCA review open

Federal Treasury has announced a review of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority and provided the community with a rather short consultation document to kick off the consultation process. read more

Xinja carry-on continues

Polled on a voluntary winding-up and “return of whatever value is left to shareholders”, Xinja Bank’s owners resoundingly voted it down, almost all of them. read more

ME-ME derby in final straight

Three freaky banking industry exits in three weeks in Australia. And two more by the weekend's done, a fair chance. It's almost a rebirth of the Melbourne banking bust of April and May 1893, the rush.. read more