FSU takes on CBA over return to the office edict

John Kavanagh

The Finance Sector Union has filed a dispute in the Fair Work Commission over Commonwealth Bank’s direction to staff to return to the office.
Late in May, the bank told staff they would be required to work in the office for at least half of their working time.
A statement from CBA group executive of human resources Sian Lewis, which was reported in the Australian Financial Review, said: “We have now set the expectation with our office-based people that from mid-July they will be required to come into the office for at least 50 per cent of their work time per month.

“In our experience, there is no doubt that we build stronger connection when we work face-to-face.”
FSU national secretary Julia Angrisano said in a statement that there was no consultation with bank staff before management mandated the change to work arrangements.
Angrisano said many FSU members working at the bank were unhappy with the decision.
“We want the bank to engage in a consultation process with the FSU and the affected staff in accordance with the CBA enterprise agreement. What the bank has done is ignore the enterprise agreement and, instead, dictate changes to work from home arrangements that currently suit many employees.”