100 more lifetime subs to Banking Day for $20,000

Banking Day staff
Pay $20,000 here.

Folks, working out the value of industry journalism has to be a theme of the year.

So what is a lifetime's sub worth to you?

Pay $20,000 here.

Pre-paid subs supply the working capital Banking Day needs to do more and do better in reporting industry news.

$20k is a one year group sub now for top subscribers.

It's more than 20 times the annual fee paid by many.

The key theme here is that more readers must be willing to pay more for this journalism.

So please identify yourself as one of them.

Please confirm a willingness to spend $20k.

Pay $20,000 here.

Advise your age please in any reply.

This offer limited to single sub deals and wider deals priced recently at less than A$5000.

Also wide open to new readers.

$2ml is more than three year's turnover.

The capital will support a widening of our editorial remit and aim to curate a valued news service.

GST on top of your offer.

Pay $20,000 here.

And thank you now to any who find the funds to do so.