Maleny measures cost of independence 23 October 2014 5:22PM Ian Rogers In 2011, the stalwarts at MCU in Maleny kept their credit union in community hands, fending off board and regulator pressure to fold into CUA.The result has been, in 2014, a 15 percent decline in net profit in decline and assets that are down one per cent to A$46 million.The capital adequacy ratio increased to 16.7 per cent from 16.3 per cent, while MCU's common equity tier one ratio increased to 12.7 per cent from 11.3 per cent.These are broadly in line with industry averages, but Maleny remains hampered by an equity buffer stuck below $4 million.Sarah Davies, chair of the MCU board, wrote in the annual report of "renewed community support that the Maleny Credit Union has been enjoying.""We are confident that we can continue to build a strong and viable enterprise that will continue to service the needs of our members for a long time to come," she said.