The commute is turning into shopping time 19 March 2015 5:23PM John Kavanagh Twenty-one per cent of Australian consumers are now shopping regularly during their commute to and from work.American Express has issued a report on Australian consumers' spending habits. It found that Australians now spend 20 per cent of their disposable income online.It labelled 22 per cent of Australians as "cyber spenders", meaning the majority of their disposable income is spent online.Generally, Amex found that Australians are creatures of habit when it comes to spending patterns. Most show a high degree of loyalty to a small group of retailers whether shopping in store or online, with 60 per cent spending all their disposable income at ten or fewer shops regularly.Nineteen per cent of disposable income goes on food and wine, 15 per cent on clothes, shoes and accessories, 11 per cent on entertainment and events, and nine per cent on electronic goods, travel and "things for children".Saturday afternoon is the peak shopping time, when 36 per cent of disposable income is spent. Amex said most people fit into a "pattern spending type". These types include sales seekers, passionists (most of their money goes on a single interest, such as travel, sports, wine or food) and localists (who never stray from the same shopping streets or mall). And, of course, the new cyber spenders.