Credit edited amid investment optimism

The RBA's business liaison program for now supports the idea that business conditions are not so bad and 'business investment has been growing at a good rate," the RBA's Guy Debelle said yesterday. read more

Business credit demand vanishes

Mortgage finance volumes bounced back in February, a rare piece of good news in banking.On the flip-side, business credit flows have crashed. read more

S&P doubts resolve over bank rescues

There is still "no clear framework for loss absorption" during a wind-up or resolution of a failing bank, S&P says. Though APRA have said there will be no statutory bail-in power at all, this is a.. read more

ACCC opens up draft CDR banking rules

It may take consumers as long as ten days to reach second base in a quest to switch their bank account to a new provider, guidance on the governance of "open banking" reforms shows.Operation of a pilo.. read more

Higher, wider bank taxes in sight

A hefty rise or even a widening in the levy on banks' liabilities may yet be a hot chance for next week's budget. And definitely following any change in government in May.Josh Frydenberg is under pres.. read more

P2P too sensitive for some ADIs

The credit union and mutual bank love affair with SocietyOne and other marketplace lenders has drawn a stern caution from APRA.S&P, on the other hand, find virtue in diversifying risk in the secto.. read more