Toxic construction tests banks

The accelerating demise of residential home builders, especially over recent weeks, may soon be compounded by a decline in credit availability to the sector. read more

Finance sector confidence in for a bruising

The finance sector in Australia “will see a decline in confidence soon”, in tandem with retail, housing and construction, Anneke Thompson, chief economist at CreditorWatch told an industry webinar yes.. read more

Butn collars SME credit momentum

Factoring champion and SME credit disruptor Butn is skipping along, profiting more than anything from a cosy introducer partnership with small business accounting powerhouse MYOB. read more

NAB backs Voice to Parliament

National Australia Bank has pledged its backing for an indigenous Voice to Parliament, and may be the first bank (and one of very few big businesses) so far to do so. read more

No time to Monoova, post Volt

Volt Bank clients - fintechs and others – are this morning scrambling to identify and engage with alternative suppliers of a banking-as-a-service offering, and minimise damage to their own businesses. read more